
Publicerad 2012-08-29 10:34:22 i Dokument,


Framtidssyn – utbyte av tankar och idéer mellan Yunnan, Kina och Sveg, Härjedalen




Framtidssyn – Kina/Härjedalen

Målet är att du och dina medstudenter ska få en chans att utbyta tankar om framtiden med studenter i Yunnan, Kina. För att genomföra detta skriver du en text där du reflekterar kring nedanstående frågor. Förhoppningsvis har Karin och Kristin sedan möjlighet att delge era texter till studenter i Yunnan, samt att samla in motsvarande texter/intervjuer från studenterna i Yunnan och ta med tillbaka till er. Om allt detta går att genomföra kan vi sedan jämföra och diskutera likheter och skillnader i framtidssyn.


Du skriver ditt namn när du lämnar in och anger samtidigt om det är ok att ditt namn syns då texterna presenteras i Yunnan och/eller om det är ok att ditt namn syns då vi diskuterar texterna i Sveg.



Frågor till underlag för din text:

1.     Vad har du för tankar om framtiden? Vad vill du arbeta med/studera? Vad har du för drömmar? Hur vill du leva? Vad gör dig lycklig?

2.     Hur tror du att världen har förändrats om 20 år? Till det bättre eller sämre? Varför? Beskriv.

3.     Har du möjlighet att påverka världens framtid? Hur?

4.     Vad betyder naturen och miljön för dig? Varför/på vilket sätt?

5.     Vad betyder skolan för dig? Varför/på vilket sätt?

6.     Något valfritt som du vill berätta om för studenterna i Yunnan.

7.     Valfri fråga/fundering som du vill ställa till studenterna i Yunnan.

ESD paper

Publicerad 2012-08-28 16:08:43 i Dokument,



Härjedalens Gymnasium, Sveg, Sweden

Härjedalens Gymnasiums Inter-Disciplinary Project on Sustainable Development

General Background

During the fall term of 2011 we carried out a four-week inter-disciplinary project on sustainable development with our first year students (16 year olds) in the social and natural science programs at Härjedalens Gymnasium.

In the Swedish upper secondary school curriculum it is mandatory to work with sustainable development and working in inter-disciplinary projects is promoted. For four-weeks the students worked in groups with the project, using the time scheduled for the participating subjects. For the students attending the Natural Sciences Programme the participating subjects were Social sciences, Biology and Swedish. For the students at the Social Sciences Programme, the participating subjects were Social sciences, Natural Science and Swedish. All of the participating subjects have contents as well as general and diploma goals that fit the contents of the project. The students present their work in a short academic report as well as in an exhibit in the school. The exhibit took place for two hours and the whole school was invited, the students had created exhibits and interactive exercises. In this way, the information learned by the students and the work with sustainable development could be spread to and include the whole school (general staff and teachers as well as students). The exhibition therefore is a very important and also very appreciated part, that it was appreciated was, to mention an example, noticed in the way that several people in the general staff asked the students for copies of parts of the information they’d displayed in the exhibit. The students projects were on the following subjects: toxic chemicals that we have used and their effect on the environment; dangerous chemicals in cosmetics and bodily care products; Swedish meat being fed soy products which leads to the depletion of the rainforest; the food served for school lunch; healthy and unhealthy foods, products (including tobacco and alcohol) and exercise/the lack of and the effects on our health; the local recycling and waste plant; earth ships and other self-sufficient solar powered houses; problems with water including conflicts connected to scarcity thereof, Food – the unequal dividing of recourses in the world. The project description for the inter-disciplinary project on sustainable development, as presented to the students, is attached.

To live sustainably in Sveg, Sweden and the world

The purpose of this work is to build a sustainable:

• Sveg, ie. a future Sveg

• Sweden and the world

To discover and demonstrate that Sveg is dependent on the rest of the world and vice versa, in other words: a sustainable future in the world depends on a sustainable future in Sveg and vice versa.

All groups must investigate a problem area based on the following model:

1. Status


Determine and describe how the situation is today (give factual information, describe the problem and the negative consequences it gives) Search Facts (online, in books, contact any / any organization / agency / company / other).

2.Goals and actions


Describes what YOU yourself, we in Sweden and the world can do to reduce the negative consequences of the problem. All three aspects should be included in your report. Include any agreements made in Sweden and the world to solve the problem. Discuss solutions

3. Attendance


Come to the classroom for attendance registration at all sessions, unless otherwise stipulated in advance.


The work will be presented orally in an exhibition at the cafeteria, and written in a report. The project will be graded separately for each participating subject, according to the criteria’s of the course in the subject (i.e. Social sciences, Swedish, Biology or Natural science).


It is important to use the time allocated for the work. If the time in school is not enough to complete the project, the rest of the work is to be done as homework. All team members must participate and contribute with work.

It is important that you can find reliable sources, and that you account for them properly. You also need to plan your work and distribute certain tasks. All of the group must master the entire group.

The rating depends on how precisely and completely you manage to illuminate and account for your area.

In three separate booklets, we have collected: suggestions for topics and subjects to choose, a more detailed task instruction, a more detailed description of goals and grading criteria for each subject. See these for more information.

Suggested topics, search tips and motivation of working form

Justification of work form: Portions of Education's stated program goals

For all three program goals (social science, technical and natural science) is a requirement for students to get a good ability to use computers as tools, and to use information technology for learning and communication. The environmental and resource issues are to be advanced knowledge to be an important part of education.

Suggested themes and topics:

1. Food

2. Water

3. Recycling, Waste Disposal

4. Environmental Politics, Propaganda, Overconsumption, Justice North-South

5. Chemicals, Artificial materials

6. Housing, Energy, Transportation

Each topic has suggestions of topics to choose from, of course it’s possible to choose a different topic connected to the theme, after consulting with the teachers. See below for suggestions and inspiration.

1. Food


Meat / Soy, for example, cutting down rainforests for cattle breeding; genetically modified foods.

Can Härjedalen / Sveg become self-sufficient

Problems with modern large-scale agriculture vs. small-scale

School food, where is it from and how is it produced?

Alternative forms of cultivation: ex. Permaculture

U.S. meat industry

Diet and health - consequences of the modern lifestyle

2. Water

Water: Drinking Water / sanitary water

Water - water quality

Access to clean water in different parts of the world, spreading disease and high mortality among children due to lack of clean water. Conflicts. How can you solve the problem.

3. Recycling, Waste Disposal

Garbage items. Recycling/ treatment plants, refuse dumps.

Islands of plastic floating around in the sea.

Packaging options

Recycling of electronic scrap, ships, etc. in Developing countries from developed countries

Appliances / Electronics that are not made to be durable, but to break so we're buying new, (profit rules over long term sustainability).

4. Environmental Politics, Propaganda, Overconsumption, Justice North-South

The EU's agricultural subsidies, negative consequences for small-scale agriculture and countries in Africa / Asia.

Conflicts related to resource allocation example water / food.

Propaganda to consume more. The media propagate the wear-and-throw culture, fashion, trends, interior design / housing, everything is based on to consume more, and again ...

Ethics / Justice - allocation of resources, today: North consuming, South produces and receive trash / debris, and most affected by climate change.

5. Chemicals, Artificial materials

Plasticizers in place, adverse effects on humans, feeding bottles, toys etc.

Hygiene / Cosmetics such as: parabens ....

Historic, but still relevant (learning?). Chemicals we thought were safe. Example: DDT, PCBs, asbestos ...

Antibiotic resistance ...

Alternative natural / eco-friendly materials

6. Housing, Energy, Transportation

House / accommodation: Ex. find out more about solar-powered self-sufficient ground shipping (there is one in Show, including the U.S.), passive / material / villa / apartment block.

How can we save energy in households?:

Problems with fossil fuels and other energy sources (hydropower,

nuclear + / -), opportunities / obstacles different renewable energy sources such as solar,

wind, wave, tidal, geothermal energy, osmotic power plant(Norway).

This shall be included in your report:

1.) Describe the problem / question, how does it look in Sveg / Sweden and how it looks in the world.

2nd) What is the problem today (in Sveg / Sweden and the world)? Describe what is done and any proposed / desired actions.

3.) What else could be done? Suggest and discuss about possible solutions / actions. To suggest measures / solutions that you can do yourself (individual level), family (group level), school / Sveg, Sweden and the world (different levels).

Remember that it is important that you show how what we do in Sveg / Sweden is related to what is happening / has consequences / solutions in the world (and vice versa). It must be

evident that the use of a product in Sveg / Sweden, has consequences elsewhere in the world.

That is to say:

We have a globe with a limited amount of resources and a certain amount of renewable resources, which can be destroyed if we use them too hard or incorrectly. To satisfy all the world people's needs, we need to share these resources, if someone takes more to get someone else less. Destroy our renewable resource bases or ends the finite resources we have reduced the amount of available resources in the future. This has implications for us in the future and future generations.

We only have one earth to share, we can use it in a sustainable way, or use up as much resources as we can, as quickly as possible and thus do away with finite resources and destroy renewable resources. It is your and our choice, how we want the future to look like. We can still choose! You can select and actively influence (inform / engage / act) friends, family, school, Sveg, Sweden, World!

Instructions for folding wall exhibition

In your Foldables presentation to the problem, what is being done about it and propose solutions / measures to be included in any way. But you can choose how you want to present your question, and which of these parts you want to emphasize.

Think creatively. If you have worked with palm oil, you can eg mount various items containing this and gather data / images around those who take up the problem, measure and propose solutions. Remember to make the exhibition interesting and attractive, making people curious so they go back and read / look at pictures and learn more.

Remember, foldable exhibition will attract the people, try to awaken people's interest / curiosity, was creative in your presentation of your problem. If somebody wants to know more they can read about it in your report.

Administrative documents objectives and grading criteria

Purpose of Project:

To offer students a chance to context, and depression when the study is included in all relevant substances curricula. An opportunity to meet the curriculum guidelines that: "Education shall be conducted in working methods and develop students' ability and willingness to take personal responsibility and actively participate in society" and "Teaching should shed light on how society and our way of life and can be adapted to create sustainable development ". (See the relevant policy documents for more examples of goal achievement).

Policy documents that are relevant to the project:

Overall - Curriculum for the compulsory schools (Lpf94)

Program-- Degree for each program Gy2011

By Subject - Subject Plans for each subject Gy2011

By Course - Syllabus for each course Gy2011

Grading criteria for each course Gy2011

Excerpts from the curriculum for the compulsory schools (Lpf94)

All who work in schools should:

Communicating knowledge of fundamental democratic values. Teaching

shall be conducted in working methods and develop pupils' ability and

willingness to take personal responsibility and actively participate in society.

Teaching should shed light on how society functions andthe way we live and work can be adapted to create sustainable development.

Environmental perspective in teaching should provide students with insights so that they can both themselves help to prevent negative environmental impact, but also develop a person-

depth approach to the comprehensive and global environmental issues.

An international perspective is important in order to see the own reality in a global context, to create an international sound mentality and to prepare students for a society with more frequent contacts across national and cultural boundaries.

Pupils will:

Show respect and concern for both neighbourhood environment in a broader


Promote solidarity with the disadvantaged groups both inside and outside our country.

Excerpts from the topic plans Gy2011:


The course will provide knowledge about:

Protection against earth's ecosystems by ecology.

Knowledge of the land and life of the soil and on biogeochemical cycles in soil, water

and air.

Knowledge of biological diversity, endangered species and gene banks.

Social Sciences

The course will provide knowledge about:

Understanding the issues of labor, resources and sustainable development.

Issues relating to power, democracy, equality and human rights

States including children and young people under the Convention

Rights of the Child.

International law, possibilities and difficulties in securing both by state

that the rights and safety. Basic international convention on human rights and freedoms of the various players the opportunity to application.

Democracy and human rights both the individual as the carbon

collective rights, how they relate to the state and the individual and how to out-

require their individual and collective human rights.

Economics, for example, financial structures and flows in Sweden

and internationally. Supply, growth and employment, resource use and

resource allocation based on various conditions.

Consumption in relation to the needs and resources.

Globalization and its impact on the basis of a democratic, economic and political perspective as well as for individuals, groups and nations. Analysis of challenges

that individual, nation and world are facing challenges to environmental and resource


Natural science

The course will provide knowledge about:

Environmental and climate, earth resources, recycling, health, genmodification and how these issues can be handled by a science-Ratio

of action. By discussing and exploring issues of social ties

students should be able to consolidate, deepen and develop the science

knowledge to meet, understand and manage their time.

Of science's role in current affairs and in relation to sustainable

development, energy, climate and ecosystem impacts, ecosystem services, resource

use and ecosystem viability.

Various aspects of sustainable development, for example the case of consumption dividing of resources, human rights and gender equality.

The international economic and trade impact on countries' welfare and

Environmental and resource allocation. Globalisation's impact on individuals, groups

and societies.

Presentation of the study groups

Publicerad 2012-08-28 15:51:00 i Dokument,


A presentation of the main interests of each study group and a short presentation of each member (from right to left):

Study group A

We are all very excited about this field trip to China and the province of Yunnan, meeting the Chinese culture, study the school system and hopefully visit schools and meet students and staff. This is a fantastic opportunity to get close to country unknown to us and we are sure we will get an experience for life to bring back to Sweden and share with our students, colleagues and society in general.

Our areas of interest;


We would like to ask about one-child-policy and its difference between city and countryside.

Do you have special schools for boys and special for girls or are there boys and girls together in the same schools? Are boys and girls separated in different classes or do they work in the same class?

How about the activity in the classroom and in the schoolyard? Are the boys more active than the girls?

Students with disabilities and learning difficulties

One field of great interest is children with disabilities and learning difficulties. It would be interesting to see special education schools or schools that work with inclusion of pupils with disabilities.

The impact of students at school

We would like to study which impact the pupils have at school. Are there school councils and in which tasks is there possibility to influence? Is it possible for the pupils to influence how the lessons are, how they will show their work or how they will be examined? We also want to know if there are a communication between the headmaster and the pupils and how it works and if the pupils participate in the planning of the school year. Is it possible for the pupils to bring up their opinion about the school environment?

A successful school

We want to see and experience how school is structured and works. In Sweden, we hear that the results in the Chinese school are good and we would therefore like to take the road to success. We are curious about what the curriculum looks like, how teachers' professional development is and will be selected and what is successful teaching look like? Of course we are also interested to know how teaching about sustainable development is and what the students think about the environment and environmental work.

Fine Art and craft studies at school

Do students study these subjects? At all levels? What do they learn and how are they taught? How important are these subjects? Do they support the study of other subjects? Learning how to write Chinese characters, is that part of the art and craft training?

Environmental questions

When we visit China I would like to know more about Chinese children's knowledge of environmental questions, sustainable development and biological diversity. I'm also interested in Chinese children's visions about the future and their thoughts of our common responsibility for the


Visits for the purpose of study

We would very much like to visit schools from junior level to secondary school,

if possible take part in lessons for example Fine Art and craft or writing Chinese characters,

visit schools for students with disabilities and meet and talk with our Yunnan colleagues.

We in Study group A are: (Above, from left to right at photo)

I´m Peter Hammers, 48 years old, and I’m living and working in Linköping, Sweden200 km south-west of Stockholm (capital). I teach social science, geography and environment knowledge with a profile of planning of society. I´m married to Ewa and we have two children Johan, 18, and Karin, 16. I´m interested in sports i.e. football.

My name is Ylva and I live in Umea in the north of Sweden. I´m a teacher for children between 12 to 15 years. My subjects are history, geography, religion and social science. My own children are 5 and 8 years

old. In my spare time I like to spend time with them and my husband, preferably outdoors in our lovely nature. I´m also interested in music, film, sports and reading.

My name is Magnus Stroemberg, 47 years old, living in a small town called Mora. It is situated in Dalarna, about 350 kilometres northwest from Stockholm. Mora is well known from the Vasa Ski Race. I have a wife, Jenny, and three lovely children, Joel 19, Petter 16 and Kajsa 14 years old. My interests are bird watching, running, badminton, reading and playing the guitar. I would be nice to visit a good bird watching spot in Yunnan! I am a teacher at the senior level and I educate in Swedish, history, geography, religion and social science.

(Below, from left to right at photo)

My name is Tina Svensson Hammargård and I´m 42 years old. I´m living in Sveg, a small, small town in the province of Härjedalen in the middle of Sweden, 450 km from the capital Stockholm. I work as a headmaster of a local F-6 school with 270 pupils.

In my family are my husband Hans and our two children Anton (14) and Agnes (10). We devote ourselves to a large extent to our children's hobbies like hockey, football and skiing. I also like to travel, read books and eat good food.

My name is Inga-Lena Spansk and I am 51 years old. I live in a small town called Mora in a part of Sweden called Dalarna. I live with my husband Johan and our dog Figo. We have four children and the oldest one Lars (23) is studying to be an engineer and Lisa (21) studying natural science and technology in Uppsala and then we have twins, Carl and Edward (17) studying at a football gymnasium in Oerebro.

I´m interested in training (gymnastics, yoga, skiing and running) and I also like to read. I work as a vice school director in the community of Mora and I´m also chief of the student health. Health in school includes special education, school nurses, school doctor, counsellors and psychologists.

Hi, my name is Anja Cameron. I’m 43 years old. I live in the countryside outside Katrineholm, a small town 140 kilometres southwest of Stockholm, with my husband Tony and our two sons Leonard, 11, and Melker, 8. I teach Fine Art and Design at a secondary school in Katrineholm.

I’m an artist specialized in sculpture, drawing and textiles.

I like physical training, good food, reading, to travel and meet people and much more!



 Field study group B –


Therese Hadland, [email protected]

I am working as a program assistant for “The Global School “ at the International programme office. I am participating in the global journey to see and learn more about the global journey and to develop my skills within my work area. I am looking forward to learn more about the practical side of “the global journey” and how it feels to participate in one.

Britt-Marie Andersson, [email protected]

I am working as head of school at Katedralskolan in Linkoeping since 2005. The school is almost 400 years old, it is an upper secondary school. We have 1100 students. After graduation the students continue their studies at university. I have three grown-up daughters and live in Noerrkoeping, a city situated 45 kilometers from Linköping.

Leif Thylin, [email protected]

Part of my work is to make students more interested in science and technology. This involves education for sustainable development (ESD). The other part of my work concerns arranging trainee for students studying to become teachers.

Kristin Stenberg, [email protected] I am working as a teacher at Haerjedalens gymnasium in Haerjedalen. The school is very small and we only have about 250 students. The subjects that I teach are Swedish and history but I am also studying philosophy. I have a boyfriend but no children.

Anna Hed, [email protected] I come from Mora, a small town in Sweden with about 20 000 Inhabitants. I am a politician and my political office is all about pre-school and primary school, where everything is about how the school will be organized. The school is governed by laws and regulations but there are areas where policy plays an important role, not least in terms of school improvement. I am also a teacher in a high school in Mora.

Birgitta Larsson, [email protected] (inserted) I live in a town called Katrineholm which has about 32000 inhabitants. I work in the municipal office as the head of our 4 upper secondary schools and our school of culture. I am also responsible for the school organization for children with special educational needs. Already in the 1990s Katrineholm formulated an environmental strategy including goals for long-term sustainability. Together with the principals of our schools I try to find strategies to implement these goals in our organization.

Our group´s main interests are:


We would like to learn about the Chinese educational system in general and would appreciate the possibility to get access to documentation, such as guidelines and syllabi. One of our aims is to make a comparative study between schools in the countryside and schools in city areas.

We have a special interest in education for sustainable development (ESD) and how the subject is presented for children of different age. Furthermore we would like to do study visits in order to observe tuition and everyday life at school. It would be interesting to follow the work of some principals and teachers in order to learn about their daily work and discuss similarities and differences compared to Sweden. Other areas of interest are examinations and grades. What possibilities are there for students who do not succeed in school?

If possible, we also look forward to learn about the teacher Education in China.


A basic need for people all over the world is food and factors concerning production, distribution and cooking. Again we like to make a comparative study between the countryside and the city. We would like to look into how basic food is produced and distributed to the consumers.

Is subsistent house holding common in the countryside? Is there a difference compared to the city when it comes to food supply and distribution? We are also interested in comparing the everyday meals at home and in schools. Furthermore, we would like to add the aspect of sustainable development in the study of production and distribution of food.

Study visits

Schools for children of different age

Chinese medicine

Physical activities

Rice plantation


Study group C

My name is Magdalena Saevenstesdt 60 years old and I have three daughters and four grandchildren. I live with my husband Pekka in the city of Umea and in our summerhouse when I am free from work. I work as a school leader at HagaSchool, the children are between 1 and 16 years old. I am also responsible for the school area of Haga, with 5 schools and 25 parts of daycare center.

My name is Monica Bigren and I´m 40 years old. Me and my husband Marcus have two children, Amanda is eight and John is eleven years old. I´m a teacher and I teach children in the age of 10 to 13 years in Science, Maths and English.

My name is Jonas Sundstroem and I am 34 years old. My wife and I have two children, a boy named Victor and a girl named Freja. I work as a teacher in a school for students with intellectual disabilities. The students are between 16-20 years old. The subjects I teach are mathematics, religion and social studies.

My name is Aasa Wahlgren and I´m 45 years old. I am married to Ulf and we have two children, Ida 22 years and Max 21 years old. I´m principal for a school with 300 students in age from six to thirteen years old.

My name is Karin Kers. I’m a 31 years old female senior high school teacher. I teach social sciences at Haerjedalens Gymnasium in Sven, Haerjedalen, where I live during the week. I spend my weekends with my husband Roland in our house in Vikarbyn, Dalarna (17 kilometres from Sveg).

Our main interests are:

What are the plans for creating a long-term sustainable development locally – nationally – globally (how to solve issues like: supply of energy (how to replace fossil fuels/create a society that uses less energy); producing enough food in a sustainable way (avoiding soil erosion, desalination), over consumption/ over use of resources/unsustainable economy (today we exceed the earth’s long-term ecological sustainability by about 50 per cent); inequality nationally and globally (people are protesting to social injustices globally, how can we create a more equal world: social sustainability).

Education for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development in Yunnan – China – Globally

How is ESD implemented in the school system/classroom? Are students and people in general aware of these issues (what do students learn about and how do they practice SD in school)? Are students trained in and actively taking part in democratic decision making in the classroom? Is education equally available to all children (independent on whether they live in the city or in the countryside, or their parent’s degree of education/financial situation etc).

What is being done to make Yunnan more sustainable long-term (ecologically, socially, economically – the city as well as the country side)? Do authorities, for example, promote organic, local and small scale farming (and/or self-sufficiency)? What areas/issues/projects – for creating a sustainable development – are in focus in Yunnan (what questions/problems are most important/acute)?1 What are the advantages of the Yunnan province in creating a SD?

Gender/Gender equality - Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviour, activities and attributes that a particular society considers appropriate for men and women.

The distinct roles and behaviour may give rise to gender inequalities, i.e. differences between men and women that systematically favour one group. In turn, such inequalities can lead to inequities between men and women in both health status and access to health care.

We are interested in how you work with Gender equality at school? Do boys and girls go together in the classes? What does it look like in your society?

We are also interested to learn how you work with inclusion. For example are students with intellectual and/or physical disabilities integrated in the school system? If so, what are your methods for working with these students?

We are interested in knowing how ordinary life can be for a student in China. How big differences are there between the life in the city compared to the country life?

How does a day in a student´s life look like in China compared to a student´s life in Sweden?

Study visits

 School - We would like to learn about the Chinese educational system in general and specifically how it works in the countryside and in the city where we are going to stay.

 Agriculture/farming

 Culture/handicraft


Field study group D


Catharina Lundqvist. I work as principal for 17-20 years old disabled students. Some of them can read and write but some of them have difficulties to learn and speak. Because of that problem we teach them sign language and we draw pictures so they can point and speak through the pictures.

Eva Böhlmark. I have been working as a teacher for nearly 30 years. I teach pupils between age 10-12, nowadays mostly in mathematics. I like to be out in the nature, skiing wintertime and biking or walking during summer. My husband and I have got three sons, just one lives at home for the moment.

Helena Larsson. I am working as a teacher in Spanish and Swedish as a second language. My students are between 13 and 18 years old at the moment. I am also a politician and I am interested in questions regarding sparsely populated areas and sustainability in general. My family consists of my mum, my grandmother and my sister and my main interests are spending time in the nature and travelling.

Lars Uhlin. I am working as a teacher in math and physics combined with being a principal for the Natural Science program. Our students are 16-19 years old. Our school has 1100 students and all the programs given at the school are to prepare the students for further studies at the university. I have been teaching for 20 years and I am very keen on to see how you are working with ESD and share how we do it in my school. Another aim of my visit is to establish contacts so my students can communicate with yours and maybe work together with ESD.

Agneta Fries. I am working with children age 6-15 years at the nature school. The nature school is a method of learning with the basic idea to learn outdoors. We go to different

schools in the community and use outdoor education to teach most subjects, like mathematics, English, ecology etc. We also run courses for teachers. Our overall aim is sustainable development.

As a group our main interests are:

We are interested in questions regarding society in general and particularly questions regarding sparsely populated areas. We would like to know more about how you organize school attendance in sparsely populates areas (Transportation/ Homeschooling/ Boarding schools and so on), and also how functions in society are managed in these areas (like Recycling/ Reuse/ Energy use/ Energy supplies/ Urbanization etc.).

When it comes to questions regarding school we are interested in teaching methods and education in general and more specifically we would like to know if, and in that case how, you work interdisciplinary. We would also like to know if and how you work with student participation and inclusion (students from different areas and different religions/ boys and girls/ disabled student / students with special needs). Finally we would like to learn more about how you work with ESD.

We would like to have the opportunity to visit a nature reserve.

We are all looking forward to meeting you in September.

If you have any questions to us please don’t hesitate to ask.


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